Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Once Upon a time...

In Florence, Italy Megan, Alexis and Brittany slept in separate rooms (for the first week)!
Megan and Brittany's room
Alexis's Room

At first Megan and Brittany were assigned to a bedroom and Alexis was by herself :(. We were suppose to have another person in our apartment but no one never got assigned. 

Sooo we thought it would be a good idea to move all of our beds in one room...

Yay! 3 beds fit in 1 room!

Our 3 messy beds! Brittany (left) Alexis (middle) Me (right)

Alexis giving us a gorgeous face!


So we thought we should switch beds (my camera was on a timer and it took 3 shots of us) 

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