Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Let me start off by saying that I love following celebrity gossip and celebrities! When I am at home, I get a US weekly every week in the mail and I also keep updated in celebrity world by checking celebrity gossip websites, such as: perezhiton, US magazine, and People magazine. If I could ever go to any award shows (VMA’s, Oscars, Emmys, ect.) I would be in awe of all of the celebrities. I was in awe when I visited Aaron Rodgers (QB of Green Bay Packers) house in Green Bay, Wisconsin with Laura and Amanda last winter. Let me be blunt...I like to creep on celebrities hahaha :) 

Well anyways back to Italy, as many of you know, the Jersey Shore Cast (MTV television show) filmed their 4th season in Florence, Italy this past spring (I think they left at the end of May, I don't know). Before I left for Italy, I watched some episodes of Jersey Shore because I wanted to see what Florence, Italy looked like. I have heard from Italians, that the city of Florence did not like the Jersey Shore Cast at all. They were too loud, dressed inappropriately, disrespected the Italian culture and they partied/drank too much (at basically all of the night clubs in Florence, such as; Space, Twice, TwentyOne, and Red Garder ect.). 

But anyway, I wanted to find out where they lived when they were in Florence and where they had to work at (a pizza place). The other day, it took be about 2 hours to figure out the address of their house and the pizza place that they worked at online and I FOUND IT!!! I even goggle mapped it to make sure it looks like the house and pizza place that was shown on their show. I know...creeperish!! 

First, I went to check out where they lived and their street name is, Via dei Vecchiette.

Here was their house (I know… I told you I was a creeper!!)

Building #6

Yay! Thumbs up I found it! :) 

  After looking for their house that they lived at, I wanted to find the pizza restaurant that they worked at. I found it, it is called Pizzeria O’Vesuvio and it is located on Via del Cimaturi. As I was taking pictures, there were people inside the restaurant just starring  at me (of course they knew that I was American because I knew of Jersey Shore) and they were laughing… oh well!

This was on their window! 

YAY! Second thumbs up of the day! haha

 I know whoever is reading this post right now is probably laughing (Alexis was laughing at me, I dragged her along with me on this adventure haha) but ehhh I had a fun time figuring out where they lived and worked while in Florence, Italy. 

Random Picture:

There is a carousal in Piazza Republica ( 20 min. walk from my apartment), and I want to ride it!!! haha 

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